On a mission

To empower companies by creating simple, connected workflows, providing real-time tools, data, and insights to boost productivity and reduce operational costs and environmental impact.

With a vision

To continually innovate our platform, delivering exceptional value that energy producers and service providers can rely on, as we work together to build a collaborative energy future.

Value driven

Building a collaborative energy future together.

Own it

We take extreme ownership in everything we do.

Be bold

We show courage and take action to deliver exceptional results.

Win together

As a team we win, lose, and grow together.

Get obsessed

Passionate about innovation and client success.

Meet the co-founders

Just two guys from Northern Alberta
shawn martens face

Shawn Martens

Co-Founder, President

With 15+ years of hands-on, field-based operations leadership experience, Shawn Martens has immersed himself in a "first-in, last out" leadership style that helps fuel IronSight to success.

As President of IronSight, his engaging personality combined with his dynamic ability to transition between day-to-day operations and strategic initiatives enables him to ensure repeatable, scalable processes along the way.

Shawn has an infectious enthusiasm that’s laser-focused on the IronSight Vision - to build a collaborative energy future. His passion creates a workplace culture where positivity isn’t just on the agenda - it truly permeates throughout.

If you manage to catch Shawn not working, he can be found spending quality time with his two sons playing ball, road-tripping to see family, or enjoying the outdoors camping.

adam jessome face

Adam Jessome

Co-Founder, Vice President of Product

With over a decade of experience in the Oil and Gas engineering industry, Adam Jessome has played a key role in designing the world’s largest drilling rigs and bringing IronSight to life.

As Vice President of Product, Adam’s calm demeanor, solution-focused approach, and tenacity create an environment where innovation thrives daily.

Adam's leadership has built a strong, cohesive, and innovative team that drives IronSight’s success. As the mastermind behind IronSight's product design and implementation system, Adam excels at distilling clients' intricate problems into core components. His creativity ensures highly effective solutions.

When Adam isn’t crafting innovative features for IronSight, he enjoys quality time with his family, tackling home improvement projects, or golfing.

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